Examples of Neuroticism

(only a few of MANY)

Home Icon

Complete disregard for another's bona fide ownership of equity in which both parties happen to share a financial stake.

Any history of their having benefitted from another's charitable financial sacrifices previously made in good faith are met with the same extent of erasure of consciousness.

Often justifies their actions by artificially inflating their own stake and/or exploiting legal loopholes to skirt feelings of guilt over their lack of integrity, morality and/or ethicality.

Family Icon

Leverages influence on family members and friends to demonize their target once the veil is lifted and the discard phase has begun.

Doggedly enlists family and friends' servitude in smear campaigns and other triangulation tactics.

Dismisses the importance of family bonds in order to sway others' opinions in their favor.

Their ego cannot take the hit of having someone look less highly upon them than their target.

Criminal Icon

Exploits all legal means to inflict damage on their target's mental and emotional well-being.

Will not hesitate to lie to law enforcement, lawyers and judges, even when sworn under oath, in efforts to have some type of legal action imposed upon their target.

Presents the appearance of being a strong supporter of fair and just treatment of others, yet behind closed doors uses every possible legal means to "win" in the "battle."

Swearing Icon

Displays the utmost disrespect for their target's possessions or material things they care about.

Minimizes anything of their target's interests that do not align with their own ideas and pursuit of hedonistic pleasure, ensuring that they do not feel guilty for their mistreatment of them.

Inflates their contributions to their target's happiness, career, station in life, etc., in order to not feel ashamed for their inequitable shortcomings.

Goose Icon

Goose. Gander. Enough said for anyone who has narcissistic interpersonal experience.

For those that don't have said experience, please read and/or research a bit into this phenomenon...there is PLENTY of reputable resources from which to extract, but (as with all things science-based) social media IS NOT one of them!

Once you have that knowledge, then provide the proper level of support to those that have had that life-altering experience.

Stalking Icon

Stalks their target and anyone that is close to them, sometimes long after they discarded them, in order to stay fully knowledgeable of all of their targets' potential weak points that can be capitalized on to their advantage.

Tells half-truths or outright lies about their target's behavior or intentions to further alienate their sense of autonomy.

Has no sense of hypocrisy in their actions throughout any of these matters (as per usual).